Soup in a Jar ~ Dana

Sometimes life happens, doesn’t it?  Jen’s house was hit by the plague last weekend, causing the cancellation of the highly anticipated Memorial Day BBQ, complete with waterslide jumper.  Yesterday, after our pediatrician’s suggestion to start feeding the six-month-old yogurt, projectile vomiting ensued and I spent hours in the ER waiting room.

But it doesn’t have to be illness.  A flat tire, a confrontation with a co-worker, or even just too much laundry can make the task of cooking dinner a daunting task.

That is why I bring to you my newest discovery:  soup in a jar!  I came across the idea at Noodles and Nuggets and decided to give it a try.  The end result was so good that I wanted to share it with you.  It’s simple, it’s easy, and if you make a whole bunch of them, they can be super cute hostess gifts, housewarming gifts, or just anytime gifts.  But it’s so good that you might just keep all the jars in your pantry for yourself.  We won’t judge you for that.

In half-pint mason jars, layer the dry ingredients, recipe to follow.


I did a little assembly line on my kitchen counter.  It was so fast and easy, and I bet that if you have older kids, it would be a fun project to do with them. My two-year-old, not so much.


I love the different colors!  I used red lentils just to give the jars an extra pop.


So on a night when dinner seems daunting, pop one of these little beauties in 6 cups of water, add ½ – 1 lb. of cooked meat (might I suggest some kind of sausage?) and a can of diced tomatoes, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes.  Boom Baby.

Soup in a Jar


1/4 cup split peas

1/8 cup chicken bullion

1/8 cup pearl barley

1/4 cup dry lentils (I used pretty red, but any color will do)

1/8 cup onion flakes

1 tsp. Italian seasoning

1/4 cup white rice

1 14 oz can diced tomatoes

6 cups water

1/2  – 1 lb cooked meat (I used Hillshire Farms sausage for extra flavor but I bet chicken would be delicious, too.)


  1. If making jars ahead of time, layer all dry ingredients in half-pint mason jar.
  2. When ready to cook, combine all ingredients in a stock pot.  Bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes.
  4. Enjoy!


6 thoughts on “Soup in a Jar ~ Dana

  1. Thank you so much for sharing. I gave these as Christmas presents and they were a huge hit. Thank you for sharing.

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